The blue gold is so vital to our survival that societies have gone through great lengths just for a taste of it. Societies have even worshiped it as a God.
The documentary, Blue Gold: World Water Wars, looks at the worlds water and the wars being fought for the control over its depleting supply.
Water in the U.S. is under appreciated. When a faucet is turned on, water is expect to come rushing out in endless supplies, but all that water has to come from somewhere. Soon, that somewhere is going to be no where. The water table world wide is getting lower. In some parts of the world, it is already gone.
About 70 percent of the earths surface is made up of water. Around 97 percent of the water is salt water. The rest is being stored in ice, rivers and underground waiting to be used. (U.S. Geological Survey)
Living in the desert, water is in high demand and low supply. Tucson has an increasing water shortage problem. The number of people living here is increasing while the amount of natural resources is plummeting.
The film takes an interesting look at what different societies have gone through to have clean drinkable water. It also looks at ways to stop the decline of the water table and start the recharge of drinkable water. Blue Gold: World Water Wars
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